Fotografía de maternidad y bebé * The creativeLive experience

Usually my blogposts are written in spanish and then sometimes I share an english translation, but today I feel like writing in english, that is how all this amazing experience is forever engraved in my memory. 

About a month ago I saw that creativeLive was offering a new course with famous photographers Sue Bryce and Kelly Brown. I've been following creativeLive for some years now and trying to apply all what I've learned there to my craft or my business, but the first time I felt one course was perfect for my business and needs was this one so I decided to apply to be in the audience in Seattle.

I can't begin to tell you the excitement I felt when I read this message telling me I was indeed selected. I don't know if I fully believed I've been living this experience the whole time. It's been like a dream. A happy happy dream.

Maybe you all can begin to understand if I tell you that I greatly admire the work Sue Bryce does not only as a photographer but as a teacher and almost as an activist for women's self respect and love, and Kelly Brown's work speaks directly to my heart, since she specializes in what I've been trying to specialize for so long. All my life I've felt as if I can deeply understand and care for all the babies I have  close. Being able to learn from both of them, in person, in the cL studio has been really a dream come true.

And I wasn't disappointed, I have to start by sharing that I found Seattle a beautiful city that behaved fabulously and gifted us with a rain free, sunny sky weekend. I had the most amazing time in the market and walking around the city downtown and my cute raincoat stayed in the hotel room the whole time. Yay!!!!!   If you've watched any of the creativeLive shows before, probably you've noticed how family-like vibe they showcase, and let me tell you, that is the feeling you really get when in the studio, all this smiley people behave like a big family in there. And you can see how everyone is working hard to get the show up and running which I may say is a lot harder and complicated than we get to realize on the other side of the screen while sitting in front of our computer. Thank you Lacee, Kenna, Susan and all of the staff for this amazing experience, hope I knew everyone's name to address each for the wonderful work you did.

I definitely learned A LOT, I got lots of information, ideas and aha moments that I'm sure will benefit me and my business in the days to come but if I have to pinpoint what was the best part of all, I have to say it was getting to know and share this experience with 8 other amazing women and photographers. Each one in different stages of their journey in this beautiful job we've chosen, but all thriving, and open and wanting to learn, share and follow their dream. We now share a common path, following all the ideas and information we received and I'm sure each and every one of us will reach whatever goal we dare to set. I'm so happy I met these amazing colleagues and now friends.

Throughout the journey I made some videos and photos, not many I may say, probably was more into living the moment than registering it. Most are done with my phone (sorry), but I want to share with you the little video I made with this, and maybe you'll get how fun, and intense these past weekend was.  Thanks to all of you that have followed my path becoming a photographer and to all of the new friends now follow me in various social media pages, I'm happy to share the passion I feel for my work with you all.

But first don't forget to visit my new friends pages and leave them some love:


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Diario de una tía fotógrafa * Tic Tac, casi entramos a la cuenta regresiva.

La semana pasada me pasé un día completito con mi hermana y lo disfruté enormemente, fue probablemente el último día que nos pasamos así, solitas, sólo como hermanas y antes de ser promovidas a mamá y tía consentidora y genial ja

Oficialmente el sobri entra en la cuenta regresiva, ya está lo suficientemente grande como una fruta que realmente pesa y cuesta cargar por más de 2 cuadras ;)  Y lo sentí moverse Yeyyyyyy
No es como que reconoce mi voz ni mucho menos ja, pero en cuanto la yoguini se sienta un segundo, opina que la cosa se pone aburrida y a dar patadas, así que con poner la mano uno siente como el chico/a será futbolista o kick bóxer jejeje

Los dejo con las fotos de las últimas dos semanas, es notable el cambio con tan solo una semana de diferencia. ¡Que emoción!

Last week I spent a whole day with my sister and enjoyed it immensely, it was probably the last day we spend like this, being only sisters before we get promoted to mom and super cool aunt  ;)

Oficially the pregnancy is about to enter in the last period, the little one is just growing like crazy, the fruits for the photos are too big to carry for long. Andddddd I felt him/her move Yayyyyy
As soon as my sister sits, the kicking starts, as if announcing "This is too boring mom!" So, I just had to place my hand in her belly to feel the little kick boxer ;)

Here you have the photos for the last two weeks, it's no impressive the change in just one week.  Exciting, sooo exciting!!!!!

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Sesión de Recién Nacido * ¡Duérmete mi niño, duérmeteme ya!

La gente se queda maravillada de las fotos que comparto, bebés hermosos y angelicales, dormidos profundamente, algunos incluso sonriendo. Y si, la mayoría de las sesiones son así, unos bebés antes y otros después se rinden a los brazos de Morfeo/Daniela jejeje y me regalan la posibilidad de fotografiarlos. Me matan de amor y alimentan la pasión que siento por este trabajo que llena mi vida inmensamente.

Pero no todos los bebés son iguales y hay algunos, que no se duermen. Y dicen ¡Ni de broma cariño! jajaja  Son pocos y tengo que decir que con el tiempo y experiencia son los menos, pero los hay. Bebés insomniacos, colicosos, con reflujo, que no les gusta estar sin pañal o acostados boca abajo. 

Hoy terminé de editar las fotos de una sesión (y media porque estos pacientes padres tuvieron que regresar para terminar otro día) así. Un encanto de bebé, guapísimo, papás preparadísimos, abuelita paciente y súper puesta para dormirlo y el chico dijo "no es no".  Fueron minúsculos ratitos en que nos regaló unos sueñitos y con eso hicimos lo que pudimos.  Y quiero compartir esta sesión con ustedes para que las mamás sepan que mi paciencia es inagotable, que la experiencia y los cursos me han dado recursos para ofrecerles de todas formas un recuerdo inolvidable y que todos los bebés para mi son perfectos.   Así podrán venir tranquilas, a relajarse y disfrutar la sesión y dejar que sea otro (yo) el que por este ratito se encargue de tratar de dormir al insomniaco que les llegó de regalo hace unos días.  ;)

Les comparto las fotos, ya me dirán lo que opinan, ¡a mi me encantan!

Normally I receive super nice comments on the photos of newborn sleepy babies, some of them even smiling, I share. I have to say that yes, most of the sessions are like that, before of after some nursing, burping and peeing, babies enter a slow peaceful state of sleep that gift me with the possibility of photographing them and feed my total passion for this work of mine that I not only do but breath and live every day.

But I have to say not every baby is the same, I do give some recommendations to parents but there is no magic recipe to get this shots. Some of them won't sleep. That's it. With experience and some courses this happens to me rarely now but it still does, I receive colicky, refluxy, "don't want to lay tummy down", sleepless babies sometimes.

Today, as I finished editing a session like that, with a handsome little guy, prepared parents, patient granny that said "No lady, no photos please!"  And I felt I needed to share the final results with you to reassure moms that their baby is not the only crying one, that I have all the patience because I love what I do, and I've been training and studying to be able to still deliver great photos as a keepsake of this beautiful time in your life.  So you can come and relax, knowing that for one day, someone else is in charge of patiently rocks and conforts your baby into much needed sleep.  No matter if you got an insomniac baby LOL

Here I share this photos from the insomniac baby, let me know what you think.  Me for one, LOVE THEM!!!!

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Diario de una tía fotógrafa * Getting real

Este fin de semana por fin nos organizamos mi hermana la yoguini y yo para otra sesión del crecimiento del sobri, que ya tiene el tamaño de un melón!!!!

Pero lo mejor de todo no fueron las fotos, tuvimos un rato tranquilo para platicar, me enteré de los horarios en los que le gusta jugar al futból al sobri, de los planes de parto y demás cosas que pasan en la vida cambiante de mi hermana.

Muchas de mis amigas cercanas han tenido hijos y yo siento que quiero esos niños, mucho de verdad, son como casi-sobris para mi y hasta ahora sentía más o menos lo mismo con la idea de tener un sobri pero además era como tener un modelo así como los peques de mis amigas pero de tiempo completo. Y de pronto, en un segundo, tumbadas en el sofá, con la mano en la barriga de mi hermana era todo tan extraño, algo en mi cabeza y mi corazoncito cambió. 

Entendí la real dimensión de que dentro de mi hermosa hermana pequeña se está formando una vida me cayó de golpe. Este peque no sólo cambia la vida de la yoguini y el cuñado, nos cambia la vida a todos en la familia, así como crece la barriga de mi hermana, siento como crece mi corazón, estoy preocupada y pendiente de todos sus planes, de todas las noticias y me muero, me muero por conocer al chaparrito/a.

Por lo pronto les dejo una foto de mi hermosa hermanita, que ya entra en la recta final, ya casi casi está dentro del rango de semanas en las que yo fotografío a las próximas mamás normalmente y eso lo hace tan real, tan próximo, tan cercano y siento como me voy enamorando de un ser que todavía no conozco.  ¡Maravilloso!

¿Eres tío o tía?  ¿Tu experiencia es parecida?

This weekend, at last I got to see my sister for some photos of the advance of her pregnancy. Now the little one is the size of a melon  ;)

The best part were not the photos, it was that at last we had some time to chat without rush, she told me all about the kicking, her delivery plans and all the stuff happening in her changing life.

Most of my close friends have had kids, and I like kids in general, but I do feel I love my friends ones. They feel as almost-nephews and nieces and so far I was feeling the same with the idea of my sister having a baby except this one was going to also be a full time model LOL  But then, laying on the sofa with my hand on my sister's belly everything became so strange, something in my head and my heart shifted.

I guess I understood in a second the dimension an reality that inside the belly of my beautiful baby sister  life is being created. This baby not only changes the life of the yoguini and her husband, he/she will be changing the life of all my family as we know it now. As my sister's belly grows, I can feel my heart grow too. I'm so interested in her development, wanting to know every detail and I really can't wait to meet this little one.

I leave you with a photo of my beautiful little sister, going into the last trimester, getting to the period in which I normally photograph expecting mamas and this make's it so real, so close and I can tell I'm already falling in love with this being that I haven't met. Wonderful!

Are you an aunt o uncle?  Is your experience the same?

¿Es bella no?

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